Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 6 - Oh no... Allergies.

Tuesday 6 Oct 2009

So I woke up this morning with a fairly severe case of allergy symptoms. I guess the pollen outside yesterday was to much for me to handle. So not only did the day not start on time, its wasn't looking like much was going to get accomplished. I went downstairs to find a pharmacy, which luckily was right around the corner from our building, but that where my luck ended. The conversation with the pharmacist did not go well. At the end of it I came away with some small 10 mg pill for something. Lets hope its for my sinuses.

Probably not a good idea to take a random pill on an empty stomach. So we went to lunch in the city. I had lamb mixed with a dices vegetables and a beef kabob. All in all, not the best but it served its need. Frank's order wasn't the best either so we order a couple more items. This time my selection was the "spicy bomb". I didn't know what it was but it sounded interesting. This things turns out to be a little piece of heaven in a ball. So its ground beef, fried and then they put processed cheese whiz on top.

After lunch we walked around for a bit before I couldn't take it anymore and went home. :(

After lounging on the couch for a little bit, it was time to hang out on the beach. Every 1/4 mile on the beach there is a small out door restaurant which serves small apps and drinks. We spent some time at the one by our place.

Dinner was at an italian place several blocks from the condo. Food was excellent. I'll have to ask Frank the name of the place.

Tonight's sangria brought to you by...

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