Friday, October 2, 2009

Day 2 - Madrid (culture)

Friday 2 Oct 2009

Ok, lets not sugar coat this.... last night was a long night. This morning was not something I was looking forward to. Thank god I slept right through the morning. :)

I woke up at 2pm feeling great or at least good enough to pretend to be interested in all the culture in Madrid.

First things first, LUNCH... How about the Museum of Ham?

Now we are ready to take on some culture. In europe culture starts and ends with a church(s).

Just as I thought I was gonna be bored out of my mind with reading about things from hundreds of years ago. A fight breaks out....

Evil spanish guy versus a slightly out of shape super hero. Now I don't feel so bad if I come home a little heavy then usual. :)

On to culture....

First, Plaza Mayor.

Now, its time for all the churches...

Royal Palace time....

Moving on. Check this out. This is not a statue but a real life person...

Other random picture from the day:

Dinner was at I'levn with considerably less alcohol then last night...

Tomorrow, BARCELONA!

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